New Album Art


Antonio Seijas to create new album artwork!


After much difficult deliberation and consideration, Nine Stones Close have chosen the artist who will be creating the visual representation of the next album, 'One Eye On The Sunrise'.

We are incredibly excited to announce, ......
step forward Mr Antonio Seijas, famous not just
for his work with Marillion and Gazpacho (among others),
but also for his haunting and evocative multi media works

Antonio has had some sneak previews of the unmixed tracks, and from what we have seen so far he has interpreted the music beautifully; safe to say it should be a stunning package (if we do say so ourselves). We can't wait to share it with all you lovely fans and followers, so watch this space for sneaky previews and updates as they happen. We hope you will give him a warm welcome to 'the 9SC family'

Nine Stones Close


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